Catholic Counseling

Catholic Counseling

What is a Catholic Counseling Organization?

  1. A Christian inspiration not only of individual counselors but of the counseling organization itself,
  2. A continuing reflection of the Catholic faith upon the healing of emotional, spiritual, intellectual, and relational suffering caused by mental illness and addictions,
  3. Fidelity to the Christian message as it comes to us through the Church, and
  4. An institutional commitment to the service of the people of God and of the human family in their pilgrimage to the transcendent goal which gives meaning to life.
Crescent City, CA
Crescent City, CA

*Slightly adapted by Gratia Plena from the four essential characteristics of a Catholic university as outlined by Saint Pope John Paul II in Ex Corde Ecclesiae.

Gratia Plena is a

Private Association of the Christian Faithful

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